Injection Therapy

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Perineural Injection Treatment (PIT)

It is a treatment for neuropathic/neurogenic pain also known as nerve pain. Neuropathic pain is caused by continual compression of the nerve, causing tissue swelling, nerve swelling, and muscle swelling. PIT helps reduce compression of the nerve. 

The injection technique is inserting small blebs of dextrose to help numb nerves causing the pain reaction. Injection is more superficial into the tissue and does not go into the nerves. A decrease in pain can last from a few hours to days and increases in length with each treatment. 

A partial list of conditions that can be treated:

  • Chronic pain: head, neck, shoulders, back, arms, legs

  • Acute injury- sprained ankle, recent gym injury, etc. 

  • Sinuses through sugar sinus rinse: allergies, post-nasal drip, breathing/swallowing difficulties, rosacea 

  • Plantar fasciitis 

  • Restless Leg Syndrome

  • CRPS

  • Plantar Morton’s Neuroma

  • Diabetic Neuropathy

  • Low Back Pain

  • Migraine

Resource: Lyftogt, Harris

For more information, please schedule with Dr. Megan. 

IV / IM Therapy Injection Therapy

* currently unavailable, we are happy to refer

Intramuscular (IM) injections and intravenous (IV) therapy are fast and effective ways to deliver vitamins and nutrients directly to the body. Bypassing the digestive tract results in optimal absorption for immediate utilization in the body's cells. IM injections and IVs are essential for people with malabsorption issues and for those who cannot tolerate oral supplementation. IM injections and IVs can also deliver higher doses of vitamins and nutrients than possible through oral supplementation, and they deliver them directly to the cells that need it most. As a result, these therapies can help people achieve their treatment goals faster and more efficiently. Injections and IVs are safe when prescribed and administered by a knowledgeable and experienced doctor.


Most everyone can benefit from injections and IV therapy, especially:

  • people with extreme fatigue

  • people under high stress

  • people with digestive issues or malabsorption

  • women with a history of birth control use

  • people wanting to enhance detoxification

  • athletes

  • vegans

  • the elderly 

Injections and IV therapies are used for treating a wide range of conditions, including:

  • fatigue

  • brain fog

  • weak immune function

  • pre- and post-surgery

  • digestion disorders and malabsorption

  • detoxification enhancement

  • fertility issues

  • PMS (mood fluctuations and/or menstrual cramps)

  • muscle cramps

  • neuralgias and paresthesias (numbness and tingling)

  • skin conditions, including dehydrated skin

  • insomnia

  • acute illness

  • weight gain or loss

  • recovery from a high intensity or high endurance athletic event